Power of Attorney Revocation Rights in Texas

Legal grounds for revoking POA
When revocation becomes necessary
You might need to think about revoking your power of attorney in a bunch of situations.
- Changes in personal relationships (like divorce or separation)
- Loss of trust in your current agent
- Agent’s inability to fulfill their duties
- Suspected misuse of authority
- Need to update your estate planning documents
Your rights as the principal
Working with an Attorney to Revoke Your POA

Benefits of legal representation
A qualified attorney brings several advantages to your POA revocation:
- Legal challenge protection
- Help with complex documents
- Proper notification steps
- Creation of a new POA if needed
- Ways to handle agent misconduct
What to expect during the process
Step-by-Step Revocation Process

Preparing the revocation document
A proper written document forms the foundation of your POA revocation. Your revocation document needs these.
- Your full legal name
- Your current agent’s name
- The date of the original POA
- A clear statement of your intention to revoke
- Reference to any specific powers being revoked
Pro tip: Texas offers standardized forms you can use. Make sure you fill them out correctly to keep them legally valid.
Required notifications and documentation
After preparing your document, you need to complete these key steps:.
- Sign the document in front of a notary public
- Notify your agent through certified mail or hand delivery
- Send copies to all institutions and individuals who worked with your agent before
- Ask your agent to return the original POA
The revocation only becomes effective after your agent and third parties receive actual notice of the change.
Filing and recording requirements
The last phase involves documenting and recording everything well. You must record the revocation in the same location if your original POA was filed with any government office.
- Record the revocation with your county clerk’s office, especially if you own real estate
- Keep records of all notifications you send and receive
- Save copies of certified mail receipts as proof of notification

Do You Need Legal Assistance?
Revoking Power of Attorney FAQs
Can I revoke a power of attorney in Texas?
Yes, you can revoke a power of attorney in Texas at any time, as long as you are able to understand what you’re doing. It’s your right to revoke the document if you no longer wish to have it in effect.
What should be included in a power of attorney revocation letter?
A power of attorney revocation letter should include your full legal name, the name of your current agent, the date of the original POA, a clear statement of your intention to revoke, and reference to any specific powers being revoked.
Do I need to notify anyone when revoking a power of attorney?
Yes, you must notify your agent and all relevant third parties who have been relying on the power of attorney. This includes sending copies to institutions and individuals who previously worked with your agent.
Is it necessary to work with an attorney to revoke a power of attorney?
While it’s not strictly necessary, working with an attorney like Lastition Law can be very helpful.
What happens to actions taken under a power of attorney after it is revoked?
Once a power of attorney is revoked, it cancels future actions. However, any contracts or agreements your agent made while the POA was active remain legally binding.